Mar 26, 2020
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Cerise shares her experience creating a bee hotel.
More from Cerise:
Cerise earned her Gold Award in Atlanta, GA after creating a "Bee Hotel" to address the lack of safe habitats for various species of native bees. Bees native to Georgia need...
Mar 19, 2020
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Hearts of Gold mini-sodes: tips, tricks, tools, ideas, behind the
scenes information, and more!
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Mar 12, 2020
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Carson shares her experience creating a tool to help women from the Dominican Republic create better quality paper.
More from Carson:
Carson Kosar is a second-year Ambassador Girl Scout from North Charleston, SC. She is a dual-enrolled twelfth grader at...
Mar 5, 2020
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Hearts of Gold mini-sodes: tips, tricks, tools, ideas, behind
the scenes information, and more!
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