Dec 14, 2023
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Dorothy shares how she was inspired by her involvement in the Munster Junior Historical Society and how she created seven trail signs that highlight different aspects of Munster's history. Dorothy's favorite sign focuses on women in history. She also discusses her collaboration with the Munster Historical Society to ensure historical accuracy. Tune in to learn more about Dorothy's impactful project.
More from Dorothy:
I started Girl Scouts in Kindergarten as a Daisy. This will be my 13th year as a Girl Scout. Girl Scouts has provided me with many opportunities and some of my best friends. I have traveled to London with Girl Scouts, have been on the girl board and also the girl merchandising board. This year my troop has many activities planned such as an overnight to Carmel, Indiana to visit the Christkindl market and a Cultural potluck. I have earned my Bronze, Silver, and now Gold Award. I have also earned the Presidential Gold Volunteer award, and in October I am receiving the Pinnacle Leadership Award. Activities: -On my HS dance team for 3 years -take dance classes -In choir for 3 years -second year of being on the school newspaper. I earned the Quill & Scroll Gold Key Award last year. I am currently second in command for our school newspaper. -Clubs: Best Buddies, Munster Volunteer Project, Spanish Club, French Club, Mental Health Club, and might join a few more clubs this year. -National Honor Society Member - Munster Junior Historical Society: HS Legacy Ambassador. Through MJHS, I earned the DOC 200 Award. -HUM Group: Northwest Indiana’s South Asian student association. I also have a student writing internship with NWI Life, an online newspaper. I write monthly about my school. I’m a DARE role model for my elementary school. I bake for local homeless shelters, volunteer with the food bank and local parks department, and love helping out when needed. My future plans are to go to college for sports journalism. I’m currently in the process of applying to colleges. I plan to stay involved with Girl Scouts at college and beyond.
The Girl Scout Gold Award project, titled "Bringing History Outside," involved creating seven trail signs in Munster, highlighting different aspects of the town's history. The project also included updating a Girl Scout history packet and creating a shadow box to honor a young girl who passed away.
The project received a lot of support from various individuals and organizations, including the Munster Junior Historical Society and fellow Girl Scouts. The support and collaboration helped make the project successful and allowed for the organization of an event for Girl Scouts to earn a Munster History patch.
The Gold Award project helped the Girl Scout, Dorothy, develop leadership skills and confidence. She had to communicate with different people, coordinate activities, and take on a leadership role during the event. The project also allowed her to explore her passion for volunteering and history, and she plans to continue being involved with Girl Scouts and her other interests in the future.