Dec 2, 2021
Full transcription available at
Rachel created a business program specifically for Black Girls.
Rachel Holmes has been a Girl Scout since Daisies and has been with her troop for 12 years. With Girl Scouts she has led many projects including creating an art cart for a local hospital and has two publications with the Evergreen Times about her projects. She recently completed her Gold Award in which she founded and led a program called Black Girls Mean Business. The virtual summer business program provides black high school girls with mentorship and helps them develop a career plan as well as business skills.
As a senior in high school she participates in many activities aside from Girl Scouts. She is a member of the National Honor Society and has served as an officer for her Black Student Union for the past three years. Rachel is also a nationally ranked competitive artistic swimmer with the Santa Clara Aquamaids, and has been with the club for 11 years.
Rachel plans to attend a 4 year college next year to study business and communications. She plans to expand Black Girls Mean Business and eventually make it an official nonprofit.
Instagram- @blackgirlsmeanbusinessprogram
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